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Bandiera italiana    IT

Last update 18/04/24


1. The data controller is Quimmo Prestige agency s.r.l., headquartered in Via F. Turati 8 – 20121 Milano (MI), (email: , PEC: (here after “Controller”).

As Data Controller, Quimmo Prestige agency s.r.l. pays the utmost attention to the confidentiality, protection, and security of the personal data of the individuals with whom it comes into contact. Users browsing this website are invited to read all sections of this document, which describe the management of cookies regarding the processing of users’ personal data.

This information is provided in accordance with EU Regulation 679/2016 (“GDPR”) and applicable national legislation for all those who interact with the web services of Quimmo Prestige agency s.r.l. accessible via telematics.

This information applies to the website

Any other websites accessible via links on the aforementioned website are not the responsibility of Quimmo Prestige agency s.r.l. in terms of personal data processing. Therefore, we suggest consulting the privacy and data protection policies made available by the companies you interact with before proceeding with any communication/sharing of personal information.

2. The Data Controller has appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO), whom you can contact for more information on data processing or to exercise your rights, by contacting them via mail at the Data Controller’s headquarters, by email at the following address: or or through certified email (PEC):


1. A “cookie” is a small text file that contains data such as the name of the server from which it originates or a numerical identifier. It is transferred from the web server to the user’s computer and is intended to track the user’s access to certain web pages, as well as to collect other information from the readable parameters of the system through functions contained within the web page itself. Cookies can be stored permanently with a variable duration (persistent cookies) or they can disappear when the browser is closed or have a limited duration (session cookies).

Cookies can be installed by the website being visited (first-party cookies) or by other websites (third-party cookies). They can be used for various purposes, such as performing computer authentication, monitoring sessions, and storing information about the activities of users accessing a particular website.

Based on their intended use, cookies can be categorized into the following categories: technical cookies, analytical cookies, and marketing/profiling cookies. This website uses technical cookies (including preference cookies), analytical/statistical cookies, and marketing/profiling cookies, both first-party and third-party. Below is a description of the purposes pursued with the installation of each category of cookie and an analytical list of them.


A. General Types of Cookies Used Are as Follows:

a) Technical Cookies: These are necessary for the correct functioning of the Site, to offer the user smooth and uninterrupted navigation, as well as to correctly provide the services that the user requests during their browsing. They are tools used to ensure efficient navigation, session stability, login persistence, and preselection of the selected browsing country. They also serve to remember the choices made by the user regarding the display of certain elements of the page, such as informative and communication banners, or language preferences.

The use of technical cookies and the related processing do not require the user’s consent. The legal basis allowing the processing of the related data is the execution of services requested directly by the data subject (Art. 6.1, b) of the GDPR).

b) First and Third-Party Analytical Cookies: In particular, through analytical cookies – also third-party ones – information is collected on the ways in which users use the Site (number of visitors, pages visited, time spent, etc.). This information is used, in particular, to improve the functionality of the Site, allowing, for example, the recording of any errors detected by users and ensuring them a smoother and more immediate navigation. By collecting data only in aggregate form, so as not to make users identifiable in any way, these cookies are equated with technical ones.

c) Third-Party Profiling Cookies: These are used to create user profiles and are used to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the user during internet browsing, through the use of a third-party service.

B. The Site Uses the Following Cookies:

a) First-Party Cookies: Only technical cookies are used for storing the user’s consent to the use of cookies (duration: 12 months) and for storing site registration.

b) Third-Party Cookies: The site uses cookies provided by the third parties listed below along with links to their respective privacy policies (also for their disabling).

c) Analytical Cookies.

C. The Cookies Used on the Website Are Listed in the Following Table:


1. The user is informed both through the brief notice (banner displayed until consent to the use of cookies is given or denied) and through this extended notice.

2. Any consent given by the user is stored by Quimmo Prestige agency S.r.l., to the extent of its competence, through a technical cookie, with a duration of 12 months.

3. As described in the banner presented on the website, you can give your consent to the use of cookies in the following ways

a) by clicking on the “ACCEPT ALL COOKIES” button on the banner;
b) by clicking on the “Manage your preferences” button and, once the choice for each category has been made, by clicking on the “Consent to selected” button.
c) By clicking on the “Continue without accepting optional cookies” button on the banner.

4. The user has the possibility to disable or accept the use of cookies in whole or selectively at any time by accessing the dedicated cookie preference area, also through functions provided by their browser in use. It should be noted that disabling cookies may result in less smooth navigation, as some site functions may not be available. Most browsers are configured to accept, manage, and disable cookies through their own settings.


In accordance with Articles 15 to 21 of EU Regulation 679/2016, data subjects may exercise all of the following rights:

Furthermore, the user can always exercise their right to withdraw consent, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing carried out until that moment based on the initially given consent.

Finally, the user has the right to lodge a complaint at any time with the Data Protection Authority, also using the appropriate form made available by the latter.

It is reminded that the exercise of one or more of the rights mentioned here can be exercised by contacting the Data Controller, using the following references:

The contents of the Site – script code, graphics, texts, tables, images, sounds, and any other information available in any form – are protected under intellectual property legislation. All companies and products mentioned on this site are identified by their respective trademarks, which are or may be protected by patents and/or copyrights granted or registered by the relevant authorities. Software products and informational content, unless otherwise specified, may be downloaded or used for personal, non-commercial use only by citing the source.